
(in formation)
confirmed speakers to date
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg
Assistant Professor of Diagnostic Imaging at Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine.
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Dr. Michelle Friedman
Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Director of Pastoral Counseling Yeshivat Chovevei Rabbincal School
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Rabbi Dr. Aaron E. Glatt
President and CEO, New Island Hospital: Orthodox Union Scholar In Residence on Jewish Medical Ethics; Assistant Rabbi Young Israel of Woodmere
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Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg
Senior Pediatric Neurologist, and Director, Medical Ethics Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem;
Head of Editorial Board, Talmudic Encyclopedia & Director, Yad Harav Herzog
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Rabbi Dr. Zvi Hersh Weinreb
Executive Vice President, Emeritus of the Orthodox Union
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Rabbi Dr. Richard Weiss
Rabbi of the Young Israel of Hillcrest in Queens and an adjunct assistant professor of Biology at Stern College for Women of Yeshiva University.
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15 CME Credits Available
This event is approved for up to 15 credits by the Centre for Continuing Health Professional Education (CCHPE). The Centre for CCHPE, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools .
This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Through a reciprocal agreement between the American Medical Association and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the Centre for CCHPE, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University designates this activity for AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s) up to the maximum number of credit hours noted above.
Each physician should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent at the educational activity.
Musical entertainment by Gershon Wachtel - Toronto-based pianist who has inspired audiences throughout the world with his program focusing on his amazing life and music. Visit him at www.gershonpiano.com .
Topics to be discussed include:
- Examining the Meaning of Birchat Refainu
- Borders and Boundaries for Physicians and other Health Professionals
- Is there a Problem Receiving and not Donating Organs?
- Shomer Shabbat Residency: Necessary, Desired, or Unnecessary?
- Eating Disorders, Depression and Suicidality: Impact on Autonomy
- Halachik Parameters of Disclosing Medical Information for a Shidduch
- Designer Babies - Religious Jewish Perspectives
and much more
To view the complete schedule click here
The Stowflake Resort and Spa offers complimentary:
- 9 hole golf course and two tennis courts
- S eparate swimming hours on Thursday and Saturday night.
- full sports facility, including squash courts
- full exercise room
- Women only exercise room
- Separate men and women's tranquility rooms
- Deluxe Spa (this has a fee but medical ethic attendees receive 20% discount) .
- Daily Nordic Walking outings
- Stoweflake Hot Air Balloon Festival will be taking place July 8-10
- Area activities include: bike tours, hot air ballooning, canoeing and kayaking, walking paths and hiking trails
- For more information about activities and attractions in and around Stow e click here (the link is to http://www.gostowe.com/ thingstodo

Comments from last year's Conference
"Yasher Koach, for a marvelous week end at Lake Placid. There wasn't a person who I spoke to, who didn't rave about every aspect of the programming."
"It was the most exciting learning experience, that I have ever attended."
"I left the conference on a total high. It was such a wonderful Shabbat experience. It was a Kiddush Hashem in so many aspects. The Torah learned, the Divrei Torah ,and being in the presence of true role models was a wonderful experience."
"I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the Jewish Medical Ethics conference last week in Lake Placid. I found the sessions and the networking opportunities to be very worthwhile. I look forward to the opportunity to participate in the conference in a more active way in the future."
To listen to the opening talk from the 2010 conference, Is Jewish Medical Ethics Different then Secular Medical Ethics by Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg click here
To view the schedule of the 2010 conference please click here