Speaker Testimonials

I've spoken for Torah in Motion twice, and on both occasions I was struck by the large number of people prepared to give up a full day of leisure to attend serious programming addressing complex and challenging Jewish themes. The caliber of the audience was particularly evident in the high quality of many of the questions posed both in the formal discussion period and in lively, informal interaction over lunch and at the end of the day. I don't think that I have ever participated in a program quite like this one.
Dr. David Berger, Broeklundian Professor, Brooklyn College and the GraduateCenter of the City University of New York.
"A stimulating and satisfying experience made possible by an articulate and intelligent audience."
Kenneth Seeskin, Department of Philosophy Nothwestewrn University
My one speaking engagement at TiM was thoroughly positive. What impressed me most was the quality of the individuals who attended. It was clear from the questions and comments, both formal and informal, that the audience was learned and educated, thoughtful and critical. For those who teach for a living, you can't ask for more. It was also clearly well-organized and publicized, and that is a factor of your years of experience in organizing such programs. I certainly would be honoured to be invited back.
Edward Breuer
Torah in Motion starts with warm hospitality of Ilana and Jay, continues with the great opportunity to meet with students and faculty who are eager to debate a wide range of issues. No passive audience here. As a speaker at their programs, I had the welcome experience of being challenged and then at times accepted.
Gerald Schroeder, author Genesis and the Big Bang
I have had the great pleasure and privilege to speak at a number of Torah -in Motion events in Toronto over the course of the last three years. In a word, it has always been an intellectual and emotional delight. The programs have been well organized and run professionally and with great competence. The people I have met are always thirsting for Torah and intellectual stimulation, never letting you rest, but always wanting more and more. The Torah -in Motion project is a beacon of light presenting sophisticated and challenging Torah ideas to an intelligent public who yearns to hear an authentic voice of serious and committed Modern-orthodoxy. It is a project that does not shy away from exploring and learning about the difficult issues that confront us as individuals and as a community in a Torah framework. Rabbi Jay and Ilana Kelman are Mekadeish shem shamayim in every way in their devotion to see this program flourish. It is one of the gems of the Jewish community of Toronto . May you only go from strength to strength.
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Chair of Tanach and Jewish Thought, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in New York.
"Torah in Motion is willing to examine issues that affect and impact the Torah observant Jew, but which generally do not get discussed at events organised by other educational organisations. I have delivered lectures at a Torah in Motion conference and I found both the organisers and the audience receptive, responsive and refreshing. May Torah in Motion go from strength to strength!"
Pini Dunner
I know of no organization in the world that provides, on a continuing basis, such high level and sophisticated lectures and workshops on themes across the traditional Jewish spectrum. A number of scholarly articles actually originated in lectures at Torah in Motion. The Torah in Motion Institute, which now has an international reputation, is a model of adult education that all other communities must envy. The community of Toronto should recognize how lucky they are to have in their midst such opportunities for Jewish learning, and to be grateful to those who work so hard in putting on the programs.
Dr. Marc Shapiro, The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Chair in Judaic Studies at the University of Scranton
Torah in Motion is one of the few oasis's in the intellectual Jewish world in which orthodox religious thinkers are able to say what they have on their mind, what they struggle with without having to apologize and without having to walk the party line. A bit of fresh air in a world which more and more gets stagnated but also deeply committed to traditional Judaism and Yirath Shamayim.
Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo, Dean of the David Cardozo Academy for Jewish Studies and Human Dignity, Jerusalem.
The intellectual quality of the programs that TIM has hosted and the incredible people it has attracted should make it the envy and model for other such projects throughout the Orthodox community. It is far too rare that one encounters the ideal mixture of Yirat Shamayim , Shmirat Mitzvot and intellectual breadth and sophistication as I encountered during my visit here. God knows we need many more TIMs in our midst.
Dr. Jeffrey Woolf, Bar-Ilan university
I found it inspiring and informative and I congratulate you and your colleagues for undertaking successfully such an important project.
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, Chancellor, Yeshiva University
I do a considerable amount of public speaking to a wide variety of health care professionals and lay people. Preparing for my TiM talk with my co-presenters, and doing the actual presentation, was one of the most interesting, enjoyable and fulfilling public speaking experiences I have ever had.
Dr. Ellen Warner, Medical Oncologist, Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Science Centre. Associate Professor, University of Toronto.
Torah in Motion regularly draws versatile scholars and masterful teachers who approach old themes in original ways or who speak freshly to challenging contemporary issues out of the depths of Jewish tradition. More importantly, TIM regularly attracts diverse audiences of questioning Jews who, by every indication, greatly appreciate the mix of traditionalism, open-mindedness, and sophistication that TIM brings to all it does.
Dr. Eric Lawee, York University
Torah in Motion is working to remind all of us that Torah is a big tent that can encompass a wide range of interests and perspectives on how to best serve God. In bringing different voices of Torah to the people of Toronto , Torah in Motion is providing a service that deserves only the highest praise-- offering points of entry to getting closer to our Creator. It was my pleasure and privilege to help Torah in Motion further this goal, and I offer my thanks for the opportunity to contribute to this noble endeavor.
Rabbi Dr. Gidon Rothstein
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