"Innovative....engaging. passionate....enlightening. insightful....relevant a very insightful exposition of enlightened thinking that exists in traditional community"
--Dr. Sandy Shiner,
Psychologist, Private Practice
"Dynamically presented and of the highest intellectual caliber. A vital service for the community...."
--Eli Rubinstein,
President , H&R Developments
"....exactly the blend of real world issues (and) Torah thought and knowledge that our community leaders need and seek. An intellectual and spiritual treat."
--Jane Howard,
Controller, Grey Worldwide
"Torah in Motion consistently and reliably brings to Toronto the highest-quality and most creative thinkers in the Jewish world today. I make a point of attending."
--Professor Paul Socken, founder Jewish Studies Program, University of Waterloo
"Torah in Motion's high-quality speakers have taught me much Torah from an open and critical perspective. They fill a void of serious and tolerant attitudes to Torah in this city."
--Noam Lockshin, university student
"Upon hearing about a Torah in Motion program, I perform three actions. I write it in my calendar, I tell people about it, and I go! I enjoy the challenging nature of the topics chosen, and the speakers are excellent!"
--Judy Shier Weisberg,
"The day was great. The program was illuminating and interesting. The Jewish community is grateful to have Torah in Motion. You should go from strength to strength."
--Drs. Esther & Bob Libman
